
St. Columba's Catholic Boys' School


Name Category Term of Office
Mr Dave Evans Head Teacher Ex Officio
Foundation Governors – (Appointed by the Diocese)
    Start End
Mr Neil McDonough Foundation 17/01/22 16/01/26
Ms Tamara Renshaw (Chair) Foundation 21/04/23 20/04/27
Vacancy Foundation    
Vacancy Foundation    
Parent Governors – (Elected by Parents/Carers of students at the school)
Mrs Bukola Oyelade Parent 29/03/23 28/03/27
Ms Kolia Obi Parent 20/01/21 19/01/25
Staff Governors – (Elected by staff of the school)
Vacancy Staff
Co-Opted Governor – (Appointed by the Governing Body)
Ms Toyin Ola-Adams Local 22/04/24 21/04/28
Ms Gina Millbank Local 25/09/24 24/09/28
Clerk to Governing Body
Mr Bill Stone E-mail    

 Governors’ attendance at full Governing Body meetings since 1st September 2021 to 31st December 2023

Name Attendance
Foundation: Mrs J Johnson (Term of Office ended 31/08/24) 14/14
Foundation: Mr P Strub (Term of Office ended 31/08/24) 14/14
Foundation: Mr N McDonough 10/14
Foundation: Ms T Renshaw 3/4
Parent: Mrs B Oyelade 11/14
Parent: Ms K Obi 9/14
Principal: Mr D Evans 7/7
Foundation: Mrs T Watson (Term of Office ended 16/04/23) 10/10
Foundation: Mr F Savage  (Resigned 14/06/2023) 7/10
Staff: Mr M Andreoli (Resigned 22/01/24) 4/5

 Committee List

Special Interest Governors 

Trips/ H&S / SEND / Careers
SEND/ Safeguarding (inc eSafety)/ LAC  
Pupil Premium  
Child Protection Mr McDonough
Finance Mr McDonough
Religious Education Mrs B Oyelade
PE Mrs B Oyelade
English Ms K Obi

 Register of Interests / Business Interests

Governor Pecuniary Interest Non-Pecuniary Interest
Mr D Evans None None
Mr N McDonough Director of NM Education Consultancy
Ltd and Red Panda Learning Ltd
Mrs B Oyelade None Parent of student at the school
Ms K Obi None Parent of student at the school
Ms T Renshaw None Parent of student at the school
Finance Broker; Managing Director of Acorn to Oak Finance Ltd
The Chair or other members of the Governing Body can be contacted via Mr Stone, The Clerk to Governors. He can be emailed via the link above or written to at the school address given at the foot of the page. He can also be contacted via the school main switchboard number